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Revamp Your Old Shoes

In an effort to live fully, I've been more intentional about letting my creative juices flow. I have been making a point to work on one creative project each week. It's so important to me because I noticed that my quality of life drastically improves during and after a completed project. Whether it's sewing, writing, or painting I'm always happier, more excited, and overall satisfied. More recently I've been feeling the urge to really challenge myself and step outside of my comfort zone. I've been taking on more challenging projects and because my ideas and visions tend to be pretty out there, I've really pushed myself.

Last week I decided to take a pair of shoes, which I wore once about four years ago, and totally revamped them. I figured it would be the perfect pair to experiment on because I was originally going to get rid of them so no loss if I completely jagged. I'm also on a very tight budget and can't really afford to go shoe shopping like I would like, so there's that.

The T-Strap sandals that I ordered on clearance from ShoeDazzle were just wasting away in a bin and now they're sitting pretty with the rest of my shoe collection. I'm so excited to wear these beauties for the holidays (with a matching outfit that I made from scratch).

I was able to get footage of the complete process and even Vlogged about the experience, the full video can be found at my YouTube Channel (it's also below).

Let me know what you think!

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